

Large Rectangle

A few nice shop fashion images I found:

shop fashion
Image by Jorge Franganillo

Fashion shop
shop fashion
Image by enric archivell
Carrer de la Palla. Barri Gòtic, Ciutat Vella, Barcelona

Shopping Day
shop fashion
Image by Tiara
All dressed up (the first time in a long time) to go shopping...unsuccessfully. 20 shops and NOTHING. Didn't fit, looked bad, and/or too expensive. gwargh.

On me:

Butterfly hair clip - had it AGES ago from Sinma JB I believe, or some other cheapo Asian accessory shop
Necklace - present from relatives in the UK; box says Avon (the cosmetics?)
Bangles - ninja'd from my mum
White top - half of a salwhar khameez that was given to me as a gift from Bangladesh
Scarf - also from mum. it was very slippery so I used pins to make it stay. Bad idea because I was pulling my top off multiple times to try clothes. After the first time I removed the pins and just wrapped it around my neck.
Jeans and belt - JayJays, Brisbane (same as last time; couldn't find my other pair)
Shoes - Playboy (not the Hugh Hefner comp), Denmark. I LOVE Scandinavian shoes. SO COMFORTABLE and yet so good looking. If I could buy the entire Scandinavian shoe industry, I would.
Socks - from KL somewhere
