
Nice Fashion Outlet photos

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Some cool fashion outlet images:

alpha.tribe ventures forth into the metaverse!
fashion outlet
Image by Elif Ayiter/Alpha Auer/..../
So, here we are! Is this cool or what?

We had been considering doing this for quite a while now. Problem was finding really good locations: Places that do not try to boost their traffic with campers, where one is in the company of good designers, where the mall itself is tastefully built...

I found out about the D.C. District mall through the landmark of a hair designer I spotted at the hair fair. I was very impressed by the simple, clean, dark (;-) design of the mall as well as the level of the output of the designers whose work is featured here.

slurl.com/secondlife/DC District Style/117/57/21

ION Orchard #4
fashion outlet
Image by chooyutshing
ION Orchard facades with the LED lights

Woodbury Commons
fashion outlet
Image by * Sergio Ivan *
